
I am William Jacobs, a musician and producer currently based in York, UK. In addition to writing and releasing my own electronic music, I have extensive experience in freelance production, as well as composition for media including short films, video games, contemporary dance and audio drama. 

My approach to music is characterised by intricacy and attention to detail: my favourite songs on earth are the ones in which you notice new details each time you listen. Whether working on my own music or freelance projects, I aim to bring this level of care to everything I create. 

Thus far I have released two studio albums as well as a string of EPs and singles: please feel free to browse my full list of releases here. I have been lucky enough to have achieved airplay on various BBC radio stations including Radio 6 Music, and my Spotify page is currently approaching 100,000 lifetime streams!

On the freelance side, I am proud to have maintained excellent feedback across over 100 commissions in a vast array of genres. I have a dedicated section of this site covering my freelance work in more detail, as well as composition and production portfolios for your perusal.

In terms of education - if you're into that kind of thing - I hold a first class degree in Music and Sound Recording from the University of York.

If you'd like to get in touch for any reason at all, then I'd love to hear from you!