Life Vest in Panel Above EP (2023)

My latest EP departs a little away from the intricate, laboured-over textures which I've focused on for the last few years. Instead, it embraces liveness and spontenaeity - every sound on this EP comes directly from synth hardware and was performed (largely improvised) live. Everything is always changing just a little, and I think there's a bit more immediacy to the whole thing. 

The release of this EP has been super exciting so far - various tracks have found their way to BBC Radio York, where I even managed to get in for a live session and interview. What's more, Head Test Pattern got all the way to BBC Radio 6, where it graced the BBC Introducing Mixtape hosted by broadcasting legend Tom Robinson.

1510 EP (2023)

Two Cover Songs (2022)

As a break following the larger release of my album Mazes, over Summer of 2022 I released two cover songs in collaboration with the unfairly talented vocalist, Roseanna Schmidt. These were originally recorded as university projects, but upon reflection I thought it would be a tragedy for them to remain unreleased. Here are some new takes on modern classics by The Postal Service and Gorillaz, the latter of which features vocals recorded entirely over the telephone.

Mazes (2022)

My second full-length album is full of uncertainty: for most of its production period I didn't really know what it was about, and so I forged ahead writing songs without really knowing where they were going or what they would add up to. These intricate tracks therefore shift and change direction constantly, as though they are themselves anxious, restless and self-doubting. Finally, it occured to me a few months before the album's completion: I have no idea what these songs are about! The songs themselves don't even know what they're about, why they're there, or where they're going. And neither did I whilst writing them.

There's a lot going on here, from distorted, glitch-tinged dance on Scatter to interstellar lo-fi on Space Beat. Clearing (initially a rejected track from The Calm) gets a fragmented reimagining 5 years later, while Eight and Time Passes reveal a growing love for guitars and unusual time signatures.

Stickerbush Symphony (2020)

I would never have started producing music were it not for video game soundtracks, and David Wise's Donkey Kong Country soundtracks are in my mind the absolute pinnacle of game music. These aren't just quality game songs, these are simply great pieces of instrumental music that stand up on their own. Freed from the technological limitations of its original 1995 release, this cover reimagines a classic Wise track 25 years later - it even has a saxophone!

Two Tape Songs (2020)

Ozone EP (2019)

Event Horizon (2018)

The Calm (2017)