
I get it - browsing portfolio websites can be pretty dull. Luckily, if you're in need of a quick distraction, I've made a little web game called Sadify. Have a look below, and feel free to return to my portfolio once you're feeling refreshed!


"The Saddest Place on Earth"

Initially produced for a creative coding module at university, I am pleased (and of course saddened) to present Sadify to the public. With the help of the Spotify API, this online tool lets you assess the sadness of any song (might I suggest any of my own releases?), as compared to a wide database of popular artists. Does Feel Good Inc. really feel all that good? How does Britney Spears's Toxic stack up to the average Radiohead song? The answers to all of these questions and more lie within Sadify. Just click the logo image below to have a go!

(On an unrelated note, the Spotify API is rarely ever dead-on in its assessments of music's mood.)