Composition, with a Vision

My route into the world of music was a fairly abnormal one: despite studying piano as a child for a good while, I never really fell in love with the instrument until I started teaching myself how to play classic Zelda sountracks. Similarly, I never experienced the world of music production until one fateful day when I decided to create orchestral covers of my favourite video game music. In fact, for a good few years of my youth I never even listened to 'proper' music, instead subsisting only on a musical diet of soundtracks. Trust me, then: I understand first-hand the power of music for media. A great soundtrack will never fail to bring your project alive - and in a few magical cases, it can take on a long and fulfiling life all of its own.

That's the kind of soundtrack that your project deserves, right? Perhaps you're making a film, or an advertisement, or a video game, or even a podcast (or literally anything else!). In any of these cases, a bespoke and lovingly-created soundtrack represents an opportunity to bring a whole new dimension of creativity and expression to your work. And who better to compose than someone brought up on the artform?

No matter what you're making, we'll discuss your vision for your project, including any reference material that you might have. Then I'll get to work - maintaining close communication with you at all times and keeping you updated with consistent demos to make sure that we're headed in the right creative direction. Before you know it we'll have created a unique, stunning soundtrack that complements your project and serves as a whole new outlet for your creative expression.

With over 100 commissions under my belt across an enormous array of genres and media formats, I am confident that we'll be able to work together to bring your project to life. Once you've finished browsing the portfolio below, why not get in touch?

Play Your Way Into Production (2023)

Video Game

Play Your Way Into Production is an educational game developed by Wakefield's One to One Development Trust, which aims to address skills gaps in the film industry by simulating a day spent as an intern on a film set. I composed the entire soundtrack for this project, including its relaxing main theme, adaptive and layered gameplay music, and a short, intense, dinosaur-related(!) blast of orchestral suspense. It was a fantastic project to work on, and I even feature in some of the game's promotional materials!

Still Life (2023)

Short Film

Mariana Pitternová's Still Life is an intimate film, showcasing a grounded family conflict in an understated and subtle way. It's all about life's "in-between"- moments, with a great deal of quiet, contemplative breathing room between its bigger scenes. My soundtrack tries to live up to the small-scale beauty of the film: delicate, warm and inviting, but not without a slight sense of bittersweetness. Below is an edit of the film highlighting some of my favourite musical cues.

Making Moves (2022)

Dance Performance at York Theatre Royal

In Summer of 2022 I had the fantastic opportunity to compose 20 minutes of music for York Dance Space's Making Moves show at York Theatre Royal, in association with Young Thugs music studio. The result was four tracks of gestural and varied dance music blending hyperactive electronica, plaintive orchestration, hypnotic post-punk and action-flavoured synth meltdowns. A range of professional and community dance groups from York and beyond then choreographed evocative and exciting performances to accompany my creations. The full celebration was surreal and fantastic, taking place on October 15th, 2022.

In 2023, I was then able to properly release the soundtrack contribution as an EP - which, in honour of the performance's date, I named 1510. So here is the music - enjoy!

Reborn Terra (In Production)

Best Kept Secrets Travel (2021-Present)

That Night on Venom, s1 (2020)

Pandemic Walkers (In Production)